Impacts on System Functionality

By design, the BSC hosts the iDEN NTP server and synchronizes its date and time with that of the equipped EBTS sites, where EBTS sites get their date and time information from a NTP Stratum 0 source, namely, the GPS. The other iDEN NEs use the BSC for their respective date and time synchronization. The BSC periodically selects a random EBTS to synchronize its time. This periodic selection process makes it possible to select an EBTS with the incorrect and then correct years respectively. The following are the impacts on system core functionality:

  1. Some software processes in the system get an infinite loop causing the inability to access the EM for system administrative functions.
  2. Corrupted statistics files.
  3. Corrupted CDR files.
  4. Incorrect date and time displayed at the handsets.
  5. Corrupted system log files.
  6. ⁠Incorrect time propagated to all other NEs, such as MSC, DAP, and iHLR and including iDEN acillary equipment (e.g., HWCS router).

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